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Showing posts from October, 2021

How We Play Jesus Through Play-Doh

It starts with how creation happened: the origin of mankind that others like to be told in such a manner it is soft.   Let this be put in a contemporary costume: Play-Doh . A perfect, direct comparison. It is a well-known clay first manufactured in Cincinnati as something contrary to its current use.   This kind of toy has encountered wars, countless famines, economic relapse, false gods. Also, it has seen a conveyor belt of world fads that have emerged throughout the years.   In literary terms, this can be supplemented by such devices: figures of speech.   “Our experiences are like clay; we can be molded by it, we can be parted by it, we can be created from our plain form to complexity.”   … among others. Supported by whatever positive remarks. Such statements will be backed by how clay really is malleable; easily molded by hands. That we can be nitpicky towards the color, and we even smell it, and find some addictive in its odor. We would say we are clay in our